Everything about Helicobacter pylori

Everything about Helicobacter pylori

لینک منبع Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium whose main habitat is the stomach wall. This bacterium enters the stomach by consuming contaminated food or water and it is enough to…
Why not eat fast food!

Why not eat fast food!

لینک منبع What is fast food?Fast food means ready-made food that is usually served without spoons, forks and plates and mainly in the form of sandwiches. Although these types of…
Treatment of gallstones

Treatment of gallstones

لینک منبع Maybe you have experienced the pain of kidney stones, but there are also pains that are sometimes caused by the presence of stones in other parts of the…
The miracle of seaweed

The miracle of seaweed

لینک منبع 1- Slimming:Algae have high nutritional value and at the same time are low in calories, and because they are rich in minerals, fibers and also protein, they can…
Nutritive properties of quinoa seeds

Nutritive properties of quinoa seeds

لینک منبع Quinoa It is a traditional, low-calorie and gluten-free plant, a rich source of protein, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, omega-3, magnesium, calcium and lysine (one of the twenty main…